Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Proof Is in the Putting..... so to speak

There are thousands of debt settlement, debt elimination, etc, etc.... type of companies out there. How do you know that LegalDebtCut.com and Debt Solutions Unlimited are the real deal? Well, the proof is in the putting so to speak. If you want to reduce your debt by 90% and protect your assets from seizure by your creditors, then you are at the right place. Go to LegalDebtCut.com and click on the MEDIA link. There you will be able to review a recently recorded webinar that outlines the ins and outs of what and how we do what we do. You will fin a proof file of letters that creditors have sent to DSU on our clients behalf giving up their efforts to collect. We have proof letters in the webinar of settlements as low as $.10 on the dollar. We do what others can't and that puts us in a league of our own. So come check us out at LegalDebtCut.com.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Get Out of Debt With the Shielded Circle!

If you are stuck inside the web of debt that most of us Americans are, than you understand the seemingly insurmountable task of paying it all back. Whether you are deep in medical bills, or you maxed out credit cards to keep your business afloat the pressure can seem unbearable. With the amount of interest these Banks charge, and their random decisions to double your minimum payment, or increase your interest rates to 30%, they certainly do their part to keep us in that debt system.

The good news is there is help. The even better news is that the help does not involve filing bankruptcy! I mean, bankruptcy is an option, but it should be the very last option as it is something that will follow you the rest of your life. If there was an easier option, one that protects your assets while reducing your debts by up to 90%.

It may seem to good to be true, but this one isn't. It's the real deal. Stop the creditor collection calls. Stop the collection letters or "nasty grams". Protect your assets like bank accounts, real property, investment accounts, and more. Deter your creditors from filing suit while we make you virtually noncollectable.

You owe it to yourself to check us out... go to LegalDebtCut.com .

Catch a weekly webinar or check out a recently recorded webinar to find out what we are all about. Get out of Debt and get protected with the Shielded Circle Program.