You really have to hand it to the "banksters". As was painstakingly detailed in the book Creature from Jekyll Island, the banking elite devised a brilliant plan in November of 1910 on Jekyll Island in which to take over control of the United States, steal the wealth from the taxpayers and the resources from the country.
It was at this meeting that the Federal Reserve was conceived by the banking cartel, as they devised a plan to protect its member banks from competition and convince Congress and the American public that this cartel was an agency of the United States government.
In essence what they did was place the American people into indentured servitude by forcing the people to pay usury on worthless fiat currency (paper money created out of nothing), not to fund the government, but to enrich the bankers and fund wars in which America should never be involved. It has led to the massive unsustainable debt situation and the dollar losing 96% of its purchasing power since 1913. Stop and reflect on that last statistic for a moment. $100 today buys you only 4% of the amount of good or services that it would have bought you in 1913. Or put another way, it would take $25 in today’s money to match what just $1 would have bought you in 1913. The rest of the value has been absorbed by the banking cartel and government. How on earth we still allow this institution to exist and operate in privacy is beyond comprehension.
What's worse is that by design, debts are not meant to be paid off. I mean, it's impossible. The meant the first fiat dollar (that derives no value) is printed out of thin air, then interest is charged on that money. Meaning that more money is owed than is in actual existence. It's a ponzi scheme that is inevitably coming crashing down all around us right now.
If you are stuck in this crazy debt hole like the majority of Americans, and the world for that matter, there may seem like no way out. But there is, and we can help. We can get you out of your debt hole and give you a clean start. Avoid Bankruptcy if you can.
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You can also call us toll free at 800-791-7866. Avoid Bankruptcy today.